Of alluvial origin, the stony soil has an excellent drainage which facilitates the control over the strength of the plant’s buds. From these low strength buds is that better quality grapes are obtained and therefore, better wines.
Artificial drip irrigation is made from underground streams originating in the thaws of the Andes Mountains. PANNUNZIO constantly apply environmentally responsible working practices.

It was born as an enterprise under the vision of Giovanni Vicenzo Pannunzio, who immigrated to Argentina from his natal Italy in 1952 and began creating his own vineyards in the District of Barracas, Maipú. Mendoza. Argentina.



"Wine & Goodtimes" We created an space where we seek to share experiences and unique products among friends.
República de Eslovenia 1959. CABA. Argentina.
SERVICE HOURS:Monday to Friday from 12 a.m. to 20 p.m. Saturday from 10 a.m. to 13 p.m.
Email: sommelier@bin4vinology.com.ar
Tel: +54 11 4776-3807